Customize your return page

  • On the left bar navigation > Go to Return Page > Look & Feel

  • Click on Add file to upload your image (Image size should be under 2 MB)

  • The format should be JPG, PNG, or GIF.

  • Our recommended dimension for the Background image is 1400 x 900 px and for the Logo image is 600 x 96 px.

  • If you are satisfied with the image, click "Public". The image will be seen on the right of the screen in the Preview tab.

Please note that after hitting "Publish" the change will also be live on your return page.

  • If you want to change the image, simply click on the image and choose another file.

In case you need any help regarding customization for your return page, contact our chat support team now via live chat or email [email protected]

2. Add marketing assets

On your return page, you can promote up to 3 products. Here’s what you need to keep in mind while adding marketing assets:

  • Image size should be under 2 MB and the format can be JPG, PNG, or GIF. The recommended dimension is 600 x 600px.

  • If you are satisfied with the image, click "Publish". The image will be seen on the right of the screen in the Preview tab. Please note that it will also be live on your return page.

  • If you want to change the image, simply click on the image and choose another file.

  • You can also add a destination URL for each marketing asset to redirect your store visitors to the correct product page.

3. Change Style

You can change the body font for your return page and choose it from the menu.

You can easily change the color with respect to buttons, and body text links.

Click "Save" on the top right of the screen to save your changes.

Check live preview to view how your return page will turn out.

The footer comprises 2 sections:

  • Contact: If you have social pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can connect them by adding their respective URLs

  • Page links: If you have Contact us, Terms page, and Privacy that you want your store visitors to go through, add their respective URLs in the given fields

5. Return Policy

You can add a brief summary return policy (255 characters) on the return page. You can also link to your store’s full policy by adding the custom URL.

Customers will be redirected to the URL you set when clicking "View full policy"

Once you set everything, your return page will look something like this:

Follow our steps in this video tutorial to customize your return page.

Last updated